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Showing posts from September, 2016

10 possible Signs Your partner Want You To Break Up With Him/her

Do you happen to be one of the many in a relationship with things suddenly feeling and looking weird, here are 5 signs that might point to the fact that he/she want you to break up with him/her. 1. He/she Flirts with the opposite sex in your presence. Only if he/she is stupid then he/she will know that doing such will warrant a long break in the relationship. When  your man/woman starts flirting with others while you can see either in person or on social media, its a clear sign he/she is done with you. 2. Frequency of Calls And Text Suddenly reduces The one man/woman who could not go a day without calling or texting three to four times a day suddenly is too busy to call or text just once a day, he/she want you to be a man and end it with him/her. 3. He/she pick fights at every chance He/she used to be the one who never paid so much attention to little things and would do anything to avoid a quarrel, now he/she picks a fight with you at any slight chance, yes, end of t

If You Have Been Single For A Long Time, You can Relate With these 5 Things.

Being single is a state for the fragile heart. It is a time when you watch your friends start to date, get married or have children. You may also find yourself in the dating world but things are not going well. As a single man/woman, you can relate with these 1. You will have lonely moments. You will feel all alone and sometimes get tear y-eyed. 2. You will sometimes second-guess yourself. There are moments where you will doubt your own abilities and feel incompetent. .  3. You will be vulnerable Not having a partner will make you vulnerable, especially when you are lonely. You will jump right into the arms of the first person who shows up and your flaws will be revealed. You may not be desperate, but your emotions will act up. 4. Your married and dating friends will make you feel like an outcast. some of your married and dating friends will get on your nerves sometimes, especially when they talk about their partners and rub it in your face. 5. You will sometimes

Eleven Things You Never Knew about kissing

All enjoy a really good kiss, but did you know that locking lips with someone makes you live longer, helps prevent tooth decay and burns calories? Apart from the obvious bacteria swapping and reducing stress levels, it turns out there is plenty more to know about a good snog with your partner, lover, or whoever else you happen to be swapping saliva with. Author David Wolfe has produced a video on the 11 thinks you never knew about kissing, and these are the surprising facts, captured UK’s The Sun. 1. It increases life expectancy Men who kiss their wives in the morning live five years longer than men who don’t. 2. It prevents tooth decay Kissing increases the mouth’s production of saliva, which helps to clean the mouth and prevent tooth decay. 3. We swap more than just germs We swap an average of 9ml of water, 0.7mg of protein, 0.18mg of organic compounds, 0.71mg of different fats and 0.45mg of sodium chloride when we lock lips. 4. But there are still A LOT of germs i